Wouldn’t it be great if you could come across a photo of your ideal bathroom and have your current one remodelled after it? Thanks to digital technology, it is possible to do precisely that, which we outline below.
Finding The Perfect Image
Most would regard this as the hardest part, yet with Google Images, the list of bathroom pictures is literally endless. No need to go anywhere; simply open up your laptop and browse to your heart’s content and save the images you like, creating a folder. Your search could go on for as long as it takes; eventually, you’ll find that perfect bathroom picture, which will be all you really need to move forward.
Bathroom Show Settings
Check out the Surrey bathroom showrooms, if you are in the area, or go to your nearest bathroom shop and show them your image, asking if they can replicate the design in your bathroom. You might get lucky and they have a similar set-up already and with the same layout, you can change some details to match with your concept. Once you are talking to a bathroom specialist, hand them your photo and mention that is what you are looking for; the only question will be the size and shape of your bathroom, which could have an impact on the project.
3D Bathroom Simulations
There are state of the art computer programs for bathroom design and armed with the picture, you could see how close you can get. Enter the dimensions of your bathroom at the start and there would be many graphics to help you match your vision.

Relish The Challenge
Most bathroom renovators would relish the challenge of creating a bathroom from a single picture. Of course, the contractor needs to know your planned budget for the project, which also has a bearing on the outcome. A visit to the bath store in Esher or in your location would likely mean you acquire the suite, bath and vanity, while items such as soap holders, showers and faucets can be ordered. Once again, show the photo to the sales staff and they will see what they have that matches.
Google Is Your Best Friend
If you would rather source all the items in the picture yourself, keep the image on your desktop and start browsing online bathroom suites and fittings suppliers, which would quickly lead to a successful acquisition. Paint colour can be perfectly replicated by copying from the image colour (there are computer programs that do this), while the floor and wall tiles are easy to source, just be prepared for a lot of browsing.
Of course, you’ll save a lot of money if you go down the DIY road, but if the challenge is beyond you, this is a job for a local bathroom renovation specialist. Once they see the picture, you will soon know whether it is possible and approximately how much it will cost.
This should be enough to help you create a perfect bathroom that matches that photo you copied from Google and you can keep the photo to show friends how you created the design.